Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Wednesday March 15, 2017

Prompt: Compare and Contrast the 1920s and the 1930s.
Current Event:CNN Student News

Finish Great Depression Activity
Crash Course History Review
1-2-3 Partner Assessment

Learning Target
I can explain the causes and effects of the Great Depression had on American society.

1-2-3 Chart  of Great Depression in groups of 2 on the large sheets of white paper- you may use the computers, your phones or any of the books to find additional information. 
  • Part 1- Causes of the Great Depression-  In a minimum of one paragraph explain the causes of the Great Depression and 3 Visual Illustrations
  • Part 2 - The Event- In at least one paragraph explain how people lived, daily life, use at least 3 pieces of evidence in your paragraph. Such as shanty towns, bank rushes, soup lines etc. Also 3 visual Illustrations for this section
  • Part 3- The Effects of the Great Depression-  In one paragraph explain the following: How did it change America long term? What programs do we still have today? How would it effect us going into WWII? Use specific evidence for the names of the programs that were developed. Also have 3 visual illustrations for this section

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